Fashion designer Siddartha Tytler had planned a fashion show for his audience at the FDCI India Couture Week in Delhi. The show started with a dragon walking onto the floor, which added an oriental feel to the atmosphere. The spectacle was opened by singer Guru Randhawa, who walked in carrying a black velvet jacket with golden embroidery work in keeping with the concept of Shan Shui, the theme for the evening.
The designer said, “There was a lot of oriental inspiration, there were oriental dragons, clowns, landscaping from China”.
Speaking about his experience, the singer said, “I am walking for the first time for Siddartha Bhai. I was a bit nervous. I only did what he asked me to but it was a great experience overall.”
The show finished with actor Farhan Akhtar walking the ramp for Tytler in a signature gold and black velvet sherwani that had crystal embroidery done all over it.
My Debut at @fdciofficial with sir @FarOutAkhtar
Thankyou @sidtytler for having me on the show.Loved the experience and whole clothing line you created 💥#fdci— Guru Randhawa (@GuruOfficial) July 30, 2022
Akhtar revealed that he likes to keep it casual. He said, “Be yourself, that is truly the only thing you can do. You can be the trendsetter in your own way…I like to wear joggers and a T-shirt. That’s my comfort wear”.
Actor further added “Shoes are very important for me. Shoes have to be very comfortable otherwise you can’t really do a lot of things.”
When asked why the designer decided to go with 2 showstoppers, Siddartha giggled and responded saying, “Why not? why have one when you can have two!”
Tytler called his new collection ‘Shan Shui’ which is the Chinese term for the art genre ‘landscape’.
Designer’s models walked down the floor in beautiful sarees, cocktail gowns, sherwanis, lehengas, and bandh galas. However, the spotlight of the whole collection was the touch of sporty bomber jackets and trenches that had stylish couture-like detailing all over them.
Velvet was the winning material for Tytler’s show. Top-stitch, sequin overlay, knitting, and heavy crystal embroideries the form of patchwork aroused up the couture wear.